Environmental issues for communicators and journalists


News stories about deadly heatwaves - accompanied by images of ice creams and kids having fun in sprinklers. Misinterpreting cautious, or technical, ‘scientist speak’. Recognising the words that inspire people; and trying to ‘do good’… but sending the receiver into the paralysis of fear. Communicating about the environment is fraught with problems.


There are so many implications. Losing credibility because the politics, polarisation and misinformation are impenetrable. Getting caught out because the tentacles of ‘environment’ spread so much wider than ‘climate’. Trying to do good - and ending up entrenching and alienating. Contributing to the problems that you want to help solve.

I can help.

I help newsrooms, PRs and marketing agencies to avoid 101 errors. To gain a wider, better understanding of environment and climate change. And to communicate effectively in the way they intend to - whether that’s strict impartiality, or solutions-based activism.

I’m a journalist-turned-PR-turned-marketer. I get where you’re coming from, and where you’re at. There’s no judgement, no preaching. Just communicator-to-communicator ‘let’s get better’.

Talk to me

We need to get better at the way we communicate environmental issues - regardless of whether the objective is impartiality or activism. Editors, agencies and sustainability leaders: you are part of the solution. I can help you be better at what you do.