Our story
I’m Jane. I’m a change maker who has worked with sustainable, ethical not-for-profits and businesses for 20 years.

I’m a simple living, nature loving gal who’s perfectly content with a life of pottering in my cottage garden, biking down hills with my legs in the air, and exploring rock pools with our three brilliant children.
But I care about people and our planet. A lot. I’m at my happiest when my writing protects the Galapagos Islands from luxury tourism; or when my viral content puts single use nappies on the plastic pollution agenda.
There are people who create products, charities and businesses that make the world a cleaner, better place.
Me? I give those people the marketing and communication know-how to do that brilliantly.
I take the mystery and overwhelm out of marketing. When you work with me, I share my ‘secrets’. I want to give you the knowledge and confidence to take control of your own, brilliant, communications.
A natural evolution
In January 2021 I started doing that differently. Instead of working through the same issues, one business at a time, I’m democratising and scaling what I do.
Instead of being frustrated that there are some great small businesses who can’t afford me, I’m changing things so that you can get that support, without the price tag.
I want a world that’s full of ethical, change making businesses.
Actions speak louder than words
Full disclaimer: if you’re here to work out how you can make it look like you’re working towards net zero, because your customers will like that? Then you and I aren’t ‘a good fit’.
If your business is currently at the absolute starting point of your ethical journey - but you’re determined to change that? Then I’m delighted, excited and privileged to have the opportunity to be part of your journey.
But if I’m working with people who are committed to walking the walk, as well as talking the talk? Well, it’s only fair I tell you where I’m at on my journey.
At least 10% of profits to good causes
Each year Ethical Business Marketing funds a range of good causes. We use the UN’s sustainable development goals to help us decide where our money goes.
We support reforestation, through regular donations to Tree Sisters. We firmly believe in the power of the law to make meaningful change. It might just be that lawyers will save the world. That’s why we support the wonderful Client Earth and the Stop Ecocide campaign. As a journalist, the erosion of truth and trust terrify me. That’s why donations to independent, fact-based and environmental journalism, through the Tyee, the Narwhal and Byline Times, are part of our culture. Our most recent one-off donations include our local repair café and foodbank; and to a local charity that uses gardening to support mental health.
We give free social media support to a charity that supports refugees; and provide lesson planning and materials for in-school nature and gardening activities.
Great people who need a helping hand
Wherever possible, we work with professionals who share our social and environmental values, and who are working to become more ethical in their business.
We love to support and work with women and men ‘doing the juggle’ - often people who are in the early stages of self-employment due to trying to work around childcare or personal circumstances that mean a 9-5 is unworkable.
We work with a wonderful mix of long standing partners who are true experts in their fields; and fresh, exciting and not-yet proven new talent. We’re always excited to help people get started on their journey, whether as a VA, accountant, copywriter or designer - we’re happy to go with gut instinct as well as references if that’s what you need to get a foot on the ladder.
Diversity is everything when it comes to brilliant ideas, and we work with people from across the world. It keeps us fresh, thoughtful, conscious - and great at what we do.
We pay our partners and suppliers fairly and promptly.
Minimising our environmental footprint
We use renewable energy - not simply a ‘green tariff’ but energy that comes from 100% renewable sources.
We minimise our travel and use public transport where possible. When we do have to use a car, it’s a hybrid. (Living where I do makes a car a necessity; and I will switch to fully electric when there is one available in my budget that accommodates three growing children!)
We have made the conscious decision not to use carbon offsetting - you can read why here.
We are crystal clear that our funds can never be used to invest in unethical practices or activities that contribute to climate change. For this reason we use an ethical provider and a local credit union for our finance needs.
Reducing and reusing
We buy things that will last. We use things for as long as possible. When things stop working we take them to the local repair café. My phone has just given up after six years and I’m delighted that my laptop is still brilliant after five.
I’m a massive believer in the circular economy. Where possible we use things that fit within these principles.
What’s next
I’m already a community first responder and emergency response trainer - this year I’m training as a mental health first aider too. As home working becomes the norm, it’s more important than ever that we move mental health first aid beyond the office walls.
We’re not a B Corp and don’t intend to become one: but we would benefit from a more formalised review and assessment of what we do. Up until now it’s worked well to be more relaxed, but things change. So this year we’ll be looking deeply and thoughtfully at some of the other verifications and accreditations that are out there.
We STILL don’t use green web hosting! That’s mainly because I still have a hang up about using WordPress (that harks back to its early days) and I’ve done some stuff-of-nightmares hosting switches with clients. I did get as far as arranging to meet with a hosting company to sort it all out. They stood me up. Twice.
So I’ve procrastinated and procrastinated... But the date is set - and the switch is happening this year…