Sustainable marketing for bigger business
It used to be that you could tick the ‘Green’ box if you made your packaging recyclable. Those days are gone. Being ‘properly’ green impacts the whole business, from customer loyalty to recruitment and retention. But how to ‘do’ marketing in a world that needs to consume less stuff? Discover how with bespoke ethical marketing training for your business.
Becoming a sustainable world depends on one thing: we’ve got to consume less stuff. Which doesn’t sound too palatable if you’ve got shareholders to keep happy.
But if we look the other way, and pretend we can continue with business as usual? We know the long-term consequences of that. And in the short-term, that approach presents business issues too. Customer boycotts. PR nightmares. The brightest and the best choosing not to work for you, and disillusioned employees.
Not so palatable, either.
Forget business as usual: I’ll work with your marketing & comms teams to give meaning to ‘building back better’. I’ll help them really get to grips with what sustainability looks like; how to avoid being tarred with the greenwash brush; and - the REALLY exciting bit - how marketing can pivot from being the enemy of sustainability to its biggest advocate.
All without scaring the shareholders or profits sliding.
First things first: let’s talk. See if you like me, see if I’m a good fit for your organisation.
Let’s talk about what sustainability looks like for you right now - and how far we can take that.
If you genuinely want to explore how you can be profitable and planet friendly? I can make that happen.
Let’s make it happen
Tell me where you’re at and what’s motivating you to get in touch.
I can’t wait to hear what you want to achieve.